Around Cornwall in 38 Churns - the Final Auction

Around Cornwall in 38 Churns devised by Sue Dennett, Cornwall Hospice Care supported by Rodda’s Cornish Clotted CreamI love Cornwall Visit Cornwall and David Lay Auctions is a trail of hand painted milk churns scattered across Cornwall.
Last night was the final auction held at Truro Cathedral. The Milk Churns were gathered together for the first and last day at the Cathedral and available for the public to view during the day from 10am-5pm.
Then at 6:30pm things started to heat up as the artists arrived to view all the churns, take photos, meet the other artists and of course have a celebratory drink!
It was a great atmosphere and that last 10 minutes before the auction closed at 8pm was very exciting, watching the bids increase in value with last minute bidding for the churns.