Abstract Inspiration
It was an enjoyable evening at the Newquay Society of Artists last night, Belinda Latimer has an energy and passion for art which is contagious. She demonstrated her approach to painting an abstract and I was inspired to dig out one of my very few abstract paintings I’ve completed (this was my favourite - painted well over a decade ago!).
I think I called it 'Turbulent Surf' and is a mixed media combo. Quite a fierce bit of red dashing through what looks to me now like a crashing wave!
While I’m not an abstract painter I do love abstract elements to a painting. I’m very interested in presenting both the known and unknown in a painting. Rather than presenting a fully finished painting which could potentially be quite a passive experience to view, abstract elements require a bit more effort. (I spent most of last night looking for patterns or recognisable features in Belinda's art).
It’s not unfinished, or incomplete, but something - perhaps unsaid. Something that isn’t resolved and gives the viewer a chance to resolve it themselves, making the viewing of a painting something more engaging.
I’m not sure I’ve quite achieved this yet, but it’s certainly something in the back of my mind when I’m creating my landscapes. And while I’m not quite ready for the gorgeous bright and energetic colours of Belinda’s work, stunning as they are, I’m certainly inspired to get a bit more brave!
Huge thanks to Belinda - a talented and personable artist who is a joy to spend time with.