Artist Interview - Belinda Latimer
Colour, expression and fun - words I associate with Belinda!
After she demonstrated one evening at the Newquay Society of Artists I wanted to chat a bit more about her work and approach. I really enjoyed her demonstration, she has such energy and passion for art. She took us through her tools and techniques with some fab stories to boot. I loved the colour and movement in her abstract designs.

Artist Interview
1. Can you give me a bit of background about you and what lead you to creating art?
I have made Art all of my life - it felt natural to make a living from it - first as a teacher, now as an Artist.
2. Your work is always full of colour and happiness. What is it about this form of painting which captures your imagination?
I paint from the heart and soul - I LOVE seeing colour around me and am moved to respond to the energy of it through my painting. It is important for me to boost my energy before starting to paint in order to capture the essence of happiness....
3. Is there an artwork you are most proud of and why?
Probably 'Blossom'. A piece I painted back in 2016, as a response to an absolutely stunning cherry blossom tree on my street. It had such blousy and beautiful blooms in lovely pink tones. Sadly, the tree is no longer there so I am really chuffed that I managed to capture it. It's a large acrylic painting on a 1 metre x 1 metre canvas. It is my most popular print design too!

4. How do you know when a piece of art is finished?
I don't! I wait, with it hung on my wall or on my easel and let it tell me if it is 'done'. Sometimes this can be for up to a year!
5. This next question is a tricky one, but it's one I've been pondering for a while. How do you define success as an artist?
Success is defined as you feeling that you have accomplished what you desired from your initial creative intention. So for me, it is when I have completed a painting or work that brings me joy - the end result AND the making process. Or, leading an Art workshop that has a room filled with women who are vibing off each other - sharing their joy and satisfaction during and after making their own Art. Loving being in that special creative moment. It is all about energy - positive energy.
6. Inspiration is an important part of creating art, but also so is evolving and growing as an artist. How do you develop your art skills?
Practice and more practice! But also, just allowing the act of play when painting, drawing, stitching..... letting the materials guide my inner artist to the joy of the creative process....
7. What is the best method for people to get in touch with you/see your work?
They can message me through Facebook or Instagram or email me at
Wise words from Belinda; I particularly agree with 'practice and more practice' - that is the single most thing I find helps me to improve.
I can also relate to the idea that success is about the end result AND the making process. That sounds like a win-win to me! Belinda often carries out challenges and workshops which is great for those looking for inspiration and guidance.
It's worth popping over to see her colourful work, full of vitality and energy. I love the little mini textile framed works and Spring 'dreamcatchers' she creates using scrap fabric - brings a smile to my face. Keep up the good work Belinda!